Crosswalk of the Intersegmental Committee for the Academic Senate Statements of Competencies to the Common Core State Standards.
EPIC conducted an investigation of the Intersegmental Committee for the Academic Senates (ICAS) Statements of Competencies for Mathematics and Academic Literacy. The purpose of this work is to understand how the ICAS competencies relate to college and career readiness, as represented by the augmented Common Core State Standards (CCSS) adopted by the California State Board of Education (SBE) on August 2, 2010. This study investigated a crosswalk analysis between (a) the Academic Literacy (ELA) ICAS competencies and the CCSS ELA Anchor Standards and (b) the mathematics ICAS competencies and the CCSS Standards for Mathematical Practice and the High School Mathematics Standards at the cluster level.
Authors: Dr. Charis McGaughy, Alicia de González