The Center for Educational Policy Research (CEPR) at the University of Oregon, in partnership with the Educational Policy Improvement Center (EPIC), conducted the College Board Advanced Placement Best Practices Course Study, a project sponsored by the College Board. The study examined the content and structure of college courses that demonstrated “best practices” in seven subject areas tested in the College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP) program: biology, chemistry, physics, environmental science, European history, US history and world history.
Researchers first developed criteria for the best practices and then identified courses that met those criteria. Results from this study will inform the College Board commissions’ work when they review and make recommendations for the redesign of AP courses in these subject areas. The goals of the commissions are to ensure that high school AP teachers emphasize the proper content focus and, more importantly, systematically help students develop the crucial attitudes and skills necessary to thrive in a college classroom.
2006_CB_AP_Best_Practices_FinalReport.pdf (1645 downloads)