This weekend we were honored to spend the weekend with @CALSAfamilia where our CEO, Dr. Matt Coleman, highlighted examples of how education leaders are using a shared identity to put families and student voices at the center of how decisions are made.
It was inspiring to be with other leaders at the Focus on Results conference who want education to elevate the importance of building strong relationships and seeing students as a whole person – valuing social-emotional skills and well-being. One of our favorite moments was when Dr. Victor Rios emphasized that teachers can shift their perspective to see students as at-promise rather than at-risk. He shared about a former teacher, Ms. Russ, who did this for him as a student. In his words, she “believed in me so much, she tricked me into believing in myself.”
We also, of course, loved the opportunity to be at Levi Stadium where the 49’ers had just won the NFC Championship the weekend before (see our very happy faces)!
As Dr. Juan Santos, a CALSA Board Member, reminded us all throughout the weekend, “sí, se puede!” We can and will create an education system where students are at the center, and nobody falls through the cracks.
Download Dr. Coleman’s complete presentation.
MattColeman_CALSA-FOR-Presentation_Feb-2020.pdf (1297 downloads)