Inflexion serves as the third-party administrator for the Advanced Technical Credit (ATC) Texas Program, which provides a pathway for high school students to begin earning college credit toward a career and technical education certificate or degree.
ATC Texas courses are offered at public high schools in Texas and articulate to courses at community and technical colleges in the state. They address relevant career and technical education content and instruction and offer enhanced curricula to meet rigorous college-level requirements. ATC Texas facilitates the use of articulated credit in colleges across the state, and streamlines and standardizes the career and technical education course articulation process for students, high schools, and colleges. Students who successfully complete ATC Texas secondary courses, enroll in participating two-year colleges, and meet the qualifying academic criteria are eligible to receive advanced technical college credit.
Inflexion operates the website, facilitates articulated course review processes, implements the teacher screening and training processes, and coordinates the program’s statewide leadership committee.