In this report, EPIC’s founder, Dr. David Conley, suggests that “college readiness” has been defined primarily in terms of high school courses taken, grades received, and scores on national tests. He proposes widening the scope and redefining college readiness to include Key Cognitive Strategies, Key Content Knowledge, Academic Behaviors, and Contextual Skills.
“The purpose of this paper is to provide an operational definition of college readiness that differs in scope from current representations of this concept. This paper suggests that, although much has been learned about this phenomenon, particularly during the past 20 years, few systematic attempts have been made to integrate the various aspects or components of college readiness that have been investigated during this period.”
To learn more about Dr. Conley’s definition of college and career readiness, also referred to as the Four Keys to College and Career Readiness, visit our Four Keys page.
Authors: Dr. David T. Conley