Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Matt Coleman is the CEO of Inflexion. His focus on school systems change has produced demonstrable results, is rooted in organizational theory and informed by Matt’s extensive experience working at every level of the secondary education system, as an educational assistant, middle and high school teacher, high school assistant principal, middle and high school principal, director of secondary education, and assistant superintendent.
In his administrative roles, Matt supported significant change resulting in improved outcomes for all students—with a positive, differential impact on students who have been historically underserved. In his role as assistant superintendent in Springfield Public Schools, he led high school reform efforts that increased cohort graduation rates, decreased dropout rates, increased enrollment in advanced programs, and significantly reduced the gap in achievement between different cultural groups. In recognition of his service to Springfield Public Schools, Matt received the 2014 Excellence in Achievement Award from the Confederation of Oregon School Administrators. Dr. Coleman received his DEd at the University of Oregon in 2008 with an emphasis on learning assessment systems and performance.
Since joining the organization in 2014, Matt led an intentional shift to working directly with school and district leaders to make Inflexion’s work more accessible to educators. To reflect this shift Inflexion changed its name from the Educational Policy Improvement Center (EPIC) in 2017. Matt’s current work builds on his experiences on the ground as an educator. As a school administrator, he used the Four Keys to College and Career Readiness developed by Inflexion’s founder, Dr. David Conley, as a foundation for his work. The Four Keys (Think, Know, Act, and Go) represent a holistic vision of student readiness for schools as well as a shared mental model for staff to anchor their understanding of readiness. Matt has also formalized his learnings from the education system into The Inflexion Approach, an organizational framework designed to support schoolwide implementation efforts. The Inflexion Approach is rooted in organizational theory and recognizes the critical role identity plays in developing schools and systems that serve all students well.